Airport Foundation MSP leader given ‘excellence in executive leadership’ award

Airport Foundation MSP leader given ‘excellence in executive leadership’ award

​Jana Webster, executive director of the Airport Foundation MSP for nearly 25 years, was recently honored by a Minnesota volunteer trade group for "excellence in executive leadership."

The award from the Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Advancement (MAVA) honors an "executive leader who demonstrates a cooperative, supportive, enthusiastic and well-defined relationship with the volunteer program."

Under Jana's leadership, the foundation has grown its volunteer ranks seven-fold. The foundation currently oversees nearly 400 volunteers who perform a wide range of roles at MSP Airport, including answering questions at Information Booths, working with its team of animal ambassadors, helping with a thriving arts and culture program, and assisting with several other special events and tourism-related activities.

"Jana is a nimble strategist who adapts to market conditions and is recognized for her ability to navigate a political landscape with agility, while strengthening long-lasting partnerships with airport and travel industry executives," wrote Laura Sartain, the foundation's Traveler's Assistance director who nominated Jana for the award. "Jana is an extraordinary example of what a great leader looks like and is a true champion for volunteer advancement."

Roy Fuhrmann, the MAC's chief operating officer, concurred.

"One of Jana's greatest strengths is her passion for others," wrote Roy in support of Jana's nomination. "She is always engaging the over 400 volunteers on a personal level or stopping to listen and help a passenger that may be stranded at the airport. Her natural ability to genuinely care for others is what makes her unique and successful as the Executive Director of the Airport Foundation MSP."

Jana received the award June 10 at MAVA's annual awards ceremony. Congratulations, Jana. The Airport Foundation MSP is a vital link in making MSP one of the best airports in North America.