Coffee with a Cop at Terminal 1 on Thursday, May 4

Coffee with a Cop at Terminal 1 on Thursday, May 4

The MSP Airport Police Department will be holding Coffee with a Cop event on Thursday, May 4. Officers from the Airport Police Department will be at Terminal 1, in the Main Mall across from Lake Wine from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. to have casual and open conversations with MSP Airport employees. This event is hosted by Caribou Coffee.

Coffee with a Cop is a national program whose mission is to improve trust and build relationships, one cup of coffee at a time. The events provide an opportunity to bring law enforcement officers and MSP employees together and remove any physical or psychological barriers.

MSP Airport employees are encouraged to attend and to bring their questions about what matters most to them, including any topics or questions they have about the airport or the community in which they live. Coffee is provided.

If you are interested in hosting or partnering with the Coffee with a Cop program for future events, please reach out to the Airport Police Department's Jason Erickson ( or the MAC event coordinator, Abby Kes (