This is a recording – that could take your voice to the heights!

This is a recording – that could take your voice to the heights!

The Metropolitan Airports Commission is seeking MSP Airport employees to provide their voice talent for the recurring public-address messages at various locations in the terminals.

All MSP badge holders can participate.

The recordings will be used for informational messages over the airport’s public address system, and other messages tailored to specific locations around the terminals. Moving walkways, unstaffed exits and parking ramp lobbies are among the spots where voices are broadcast.

The deadline to apply for an audition is fast approaching – noon on Wed., Nov. 22 – the day before Thanksgiving. Online auditions will be held Nov. 28 through Dec. 8 using Microsoft Teams.

Time slots for auditions are assigned on a first-come, first-served basis.

Spread the word to your co-workers! Please click this link to fill out the audition form. Find more details on this informational flyer.