Returning and Renewing Company Requirements
Returning and Renewing Company Requirements
Returning companies at MSP should complete and submit the following documents.
Returning companies doing business at MSP Airport must submit required forms before Authorized Signers can register for Signer Workshop.
Company SPONSOR Letter
Current companies sponsoring RETURNING companies must submit the required form introducing the specific company and scope of work to be performed at MSP Airport.
Authorized Signer Letter
A minimum of two (2) people per company must submit individual Authorized Signer forms.
Renewing companies currently doing business at MSP need to update their project information (annual renewal) by completing and submitting the following document.
- BOTH Company and Sponsor Company MUST complete their section of the form.
- Term of Contract DATE is required. “Ongoing” or dates left blank will not be accepted. (Maximum 3 year term)
- Return fully completed form to:
Badge expiration dates will continue on your company’s regular badge expiration cycle (i.e., 6-month or 1-year cycle)
All paperwork must be received in Police Administration using any of the methods below at least FIVE BUSINESS DAYS prior to the authorized signer class you wish to attend.
Color scan and email to:
Mail to:
Aviation Security Division - Airport Police Dept., Room HC-3710
Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport
4650 Glumack Drive
St. Paul, MN 55111
Hand Deliver:
Badging Office Front Desk
Terminal 1, Level 3 in General Parking ramp