Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyard Program

Hidden Disabilities Sunflower Lanyard Program

MSP Airport participates in the Hidden Disabilities Sunflower program. This organization helps people with hidden disabilities discreetly inform others - through the use of a Sunflower lanyard (or other Sunflower-branded worn item) - that they have a disability that may not be readily apparent. The lanyard indicates to anyone – especially people who are in customer service roles (like you) – approaching a person wearing one of these items that the person may need more assistance and that their patience is appreciated.

The program is simple. Travelers simply request and then wear (when they decide to) the Sunflower-branded item when they feel they may need extra assistance or time. Anyone who feels they have a hidden disability can request one. There are no prerequisites for asking for or wearing an item. And wearing an item is, of course, voluntary.

For more information about the program, watch this 45-second video and/or download this information sheet Both explain what a hidden disability is and how the program works.

The items can be requested here:

Terminal 1 Information Booths

  1.  Travelers Assistance office (entrance to Concourse D)

  2. Level T

  3. Departures (Ticketing)

Terminal 2 Information Booth

  1. Ground Transportation Center