MSP All-Stars - Recognition Program

MSP All-Stars - Recognition Program

At MSP Airport, caring for our customers has always been a team effort. Now managers and supervisors have an opportunity to publicly recognize their top performing players by identifying them as an MSP All-Star. 

As recognition for making the MSP experience great for both passengers and colleagues, this program will have your All-Star's image, name, title and company name featured on the digital displays that accompany the flight information monitors, as depicted in the image to the right.

Please consider participating in the program by submitting your MSP All-Star individuals today!

The process is simple: 
  1. Identify the person or persons you believe should be recognized based on the criteria listed below
  2. Obtain their approval to recognize them publicly (and ensure they complete the required online photo release form
  3. Obtain headshot images of the individuals for use on the digital screens throughout the airport using the best practices cheat sheet. Employees can take their own photographs, as well, using the cheat sheet as a guide and submit them to their manager to use when filling out the form. 
  4. Then fill out and submit the MSP All-Stars form

We’ll take it from there!

When considering who to recognize, keep the following criteria in mind. Does this individual…

  • Take steps to assure the safety and security of travelers and fellow airport workers
  • Proactively seek opportunities to assist customers outside their normal duties
  • Promote teamwork across the airport community
  • Provide excellent service to MSP’s travelers
Resources for Managers and Supervisors

Note: The posting date and length of time an individual will be displayed on the digital screens will depend on when we receive your submission, as well as the number of people we currently have in the queue. Multiple people may be displayed during any one time frame. But each person will be featured for no less than one week.

Take the Survey!

We would love to hear about your experience with the program. Please consider filling out this post-submission survey to help us improve the program.